Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ten on ten - July 2012

ten on ten - July 2012
Quiet on the patio before everyone else is awake . . .
ten on ten - July 2012
Morning Table . . . (regretfully that pretty little Bible wasn't even opened before the kiddos woke up.)
ten on ten - July 2012
Cleaning the bathroom. A chore that was moved from yesterday. I loathe cleaning bathrooms and washing dishes. Sign me up for all the laundry in the world though! I love doing laundry!
ten on ten - July 2012
Breakfast clean up and washing all our new mason jars . . . this chore was not actually completed until much later in the day, because as stated above, I LOATHE washing dishes! ha!
ten on ten - July 2012
Lunch table. - Baby Boy had already run off by now.
ten on ten - July 2012
Ugh! Measuring for a new nursing bra. Prep for baby's arrival in approximately 14 weeks!
ten on ten - July 2012
pretty little project . . .
ten on ten - July 2012
Making bread for supper . . .
ten on ten - July 2012
Labeling the jam I canned on Saturday. You can find these pretty printable labels HERE
ten on ten - July 2012
A pretty blue kitchen timer! A gift from My Love, delivered today! :)

is a fun monthly photo project to document
"life and beauty among the ordinary things of our day" 
and can be found at 
ten on ten button


  1. These are great. LOVE the second one.

  2. I love doing laundry as well. :]
    That is the same Bible I bought A for her birthday a couple of birthdays ago!

  3. I love every single photo! They're so pretty and full of summery colors, too. I really like the cute garland on your patio and that blue timer on the fridge is cute as well! Congrats on your soon-to-be new addition to your family!

  4. Gorgeous photos!!! For some reason there is so much I love in this set!!

  5. what a beautiful day, what a beautiful life!


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